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How can we create a Japanese style in the interior?
How can we create a Japanese style in the interior?

To create a Japanese-style interior, you can pay attention to the following elements:

  1. Minimalist furniture: Furniture with simple lines, low profile and neutral colors can be preferred.
The Golden Rule for Choosing the Kids' Furniture
The Golden Rule for Choosing the Kids' Furniture

It is not just children who like comfort and convenience. When choosing the furniture, you should indeed consider appearance and functionality but never disregard safety. In this blog, we share five golden rules when choosing furniture for your kids' room.

Observe your child

Pay attention to the color preferences of your child for the choice of toys or clothing. Keep in mind that at first, your child will spend most of the time in his room. Try to create harmony between the colors of the furniture and walls. The sharp contrast of the colors may cause eyestrain your child's negative sensation. Consult a psychologist if you feel difficulties in terms of understanding your child's behavior.

Keep the space wide enough

Keep in mind that children are naturally quite active or even hyperactive. Don't opt for bulky pieces of furniture. Try to set up a room correctly and add accessories (globe, chess, drawing board, basketball hoop) for your kids' additional skills development. Don't fill a room, save space for learning and playing.

Go for high-quality furniture

Pay special attention to the materials used in the furniture and choose eco-friendly models where possible. Some manufacturers offer high-quality furniture made of wood chipboard. If so, don't forget to ask for the quality certificate.

Safety first

Of course, beauty goes without saying, but pay special attention to the safety of the furniture. Some beautiful furniture may present hazards for kids. Give preference to the furniture with round instead of sharp edges. There must be a door fixing mechanism for kids' safety to prevent finger pinch injuries. It is better if the furniture doors do not close from the inside. Besides, secure shelves to the wall to prevent a shelf from tipping over when a child climbs on a dresser to reach something.

Brotherly advice. Spend more time with your child. Even if the furniture can't speak, it should be able to convey your feelings to children.


Senior expert on kids' furniture.

5 Steps to Choosing Office Furniture
5 Steps to Choosing Office Furniture

We spend at least 8-9 hours per day in the office. There are multiple office furniture models that bring you comfortable working hours and decorate the office room. The right choices have to be made for our convenience and productivity. The question is what factors you need to consider when buying furniture for your workspace?


First, the purchase price is considered. Of course, you should save the budget of the company, after a long search, it's better to prefer furniture that fits your budget. In addition, of course, have a look at any guarantees available for the furniture.

Functionality and convenience

The next step is testing furniture functionality. Multifunctional furniture is also cost-efficient. Is there space for paper storage? Is it convenient for you or your employees? The office furniture at least should be multipurpose and meet your needs. Chairs with wheels, desks with drawers make tidy office space.

Office space

The office space should be taken into account in choosing office furniture. The inappropriate bulky pieces of office furniture will make space crowded. Thus, you and your employees will not be able to move in a crowded office space. The available space in the office shall be properly measured, as this will influence the choice of the furniture. It is essential to have wider spaces, the more spacious the office is, the more comfortable it will be for your staff.

Appropriate style

The appropriate style of furniture is also an important aspect. The furniture of your choice should be suitable for office space, otherwise, you and your employees will face many challenges during work. In addition, color, pattern, style of furniture should be appropriately selected depending on the line of work. For example, office of the advertising agency should not look like law firm; it will however need more creativity, colors and minimalism.

Meeting the needs

Office furniture should meet all work-related needs. If the employees spend most of the workday seated at the desk, they need comfortable chairs and desks. This is what is called ergonomic furniture. Ergonomic furniture creates a convenient workplace environment. The office chairs should be comfortable, orthopedic, and computer desks – suitable for work, mobile, and equipped with a lifting mechanism. This office furniture will give your employees the best possible convenience and comfort and eventually increase their productivity.

The comfort of the living room starts with the chair
The comfort of the living room starts with the chair

The living room is the place mostly discussed by the guests, as it defines the status of the landlord. Each accessory placed in this room is designed to attract attention and ensure the comfort of the house visitors. If you pay attention, you will see that the people you invite to your home start to analyze the interior/exterior of your house more closely while sitting on the sofa and table.

The choice of furniture for the living room

While this is entirely a matter of taste, the selection process largely depends on the furniture utility and size. If you have a spacious living room, then do not rush to buy furniture that fits the size. Take a piece of paper and a pen, write the following questions, and answer them:

  • How many family members do I have?
  • Am I planning to have a birthday or other type of small party at home?
  • What is the maximum number of people that have visited my house at a time?
  • Will there be enough free space in my house for my child to play?
  • How often would the surface of the previous chairs become dirty?


It is important that you consider your answers to these questions, as they will determine how many or what types of chairs you will buy for your home.

Types of chairs

Currently, furniture manufacturers produce chairs of various modifications. Although many of these types are the product of human imagination, some have been developed as a result of human behavior analyzed.

Stable chairs. These chairs are designed and fixed so as to make it impossible to change their shape. While resistant to any pressure, such chairs are durable.

Assembled chairs. Such chairs are usually designed for places with limited living space. These chairs are also equipped with different moving mechanisms.

Upholstered and semi-upholstered chairs. Chairs in this category are usually used in waiting rooms, conference halls, at schools, military bases, etc. The width and length of the chairs' upholstery and the stiffness of the spring responsible for its cushioning may vary based on the customer's preference. Upholstered or semi-upholstered chairs are usually covered with velvet or velour fabrics.

Chair materials

Many chairs are made of a mixture of oak, pear, beech, walnut, or just one type of wood. Chairs made of the above-mentioned trees usually belong to the elite class and combine Baroque, Renaissance, Gothic, and Empire styles.

Brotherly advice. If you happen to have a little child in your home, make sure you buy the furniture with no sharp corners. This will protect the child from accidental bruising as they play. If you have found the answers to your questions, you can proceed to the site to choose a chair that suits your taste.

The secret of colors in the interior
The secret of colors in the interior

Do you know the secret of colors in the interior?

Interior design begins with the choice of style. However, shades of color also play an important role here. Color is a force that shapes your mood and directly affects how comfortable you feel in your apartment.

Bright, pastel-colored living room, soft, vibrant orange-red kitchen, and colorful children's room - a huge color palette allows you to fully express your imagination and fill each room with a unique atmosphere. The main difficulty is to choose harmonious and positive combinations, taking into account the characteristics of each. There are a few important rules to consider when deciding on a color.

One-color should prevail in the interior

It has a background function on which the whole image will be depicted. Additional colors and shades will give the necessary expression and volume.

Consider the tone of the color scheme

All colors are divided into cold and warm. Warm shades allow you to mix the boundaries of the room, visually increase the size of the room, create a joyful feeling of comfort and serenity. Cold colors tune into the work atmosphere, fill it with energy and vitality but also help to calm down and concentrate. You can create several zones in the room using different colors.

Use colors that make you feel comfortable

Maybe you love the color red, but a room with a red tone will create a feeling of darkness because this color has an exciting, irritating effect on the psyche. It is better to use a few red accessories and choose a neutral peach, white, or beige as a background. Think about which colors help you focus and which colors help you relax and relieve your worries.

Remember the energy of colors

Colors, like smells, have a subtle effect on the subconscious, so make sure you have the right palette in each room. For example, purple and orange will be suitable for the office and children's room, because it activates mental activity and helps to concentrate. Green has a calming, blue has a calming effect, and yellow gives a good mood. If you choose the right color scheme, your home will become a source of positive energy and joy.

Module working desks
Module working desks

Modular type desks

The use of modular furniture by employees ensures comfort and a good mood while working. This, in turn, increases the productivity of the work during the day. Under the favor of these advantages, as well as the efficient use of office space, optimization of operating costs, the cost of purchasing furniture will be covered in a short time.

These products are characterized by durability, safe construction, extensive functionality, excellent appearance, and style. They allow you to model the office space according to your willings: it is possible to equip the halls for conferences, classes, master classes. Workplaces are provided for one or more employees.

Desktop design

The modular workplace system can be set according to the design of your office. Issues such as color matching, the use of shiny metal legs, modern wooden handles of various shapes of furniture, open or closed cabinets for storing office supplies can be discussed during the creation of modular workplaces. All this is taken into account when creating an office model in Autocad, and it is possible to visually assess the design before the start of the preparation phase.

What are the advantages of modular jobs?

Just as each workplace has its convenience and advantages, modular workplaces also have their own characteristics:
High flexibility and easy expansion
Different application capabilities and individual adaptation
Efficient use of space because of integrated lighting
Optimal working environment because of fabric wall elements and air ducts
The maximum level of ergonomics

The more comfortable the place where the employee works, the more productive he will be. If your employee feels uncomfortable and has lost productivity, first check with his or her desk. We, in turn, will make your dreams come true with different types of "Modular" desks! Just wish!

The effect of bedroom furniture on sleep
The effect of bedroom furniture on sleep

The effect of bed on sleep

Buying comfortable bedroom furniture is one of the bases of a good rest. But that would not be enough. The mattress on the bed also plays an important role in waking up in the morning not tired, but cheerful. But still, you are not satisfied with sleep and open your morning asleep? Most likely, the reason is the wrong location of the bed. Learn what to look for and tactics to help ease the way.

Place the bed set according to the door

Arrange the bed so that you can see people coming into the room from there, and it is recommended that the light from the adjoining rooms does not fall directly on the bed when the door is opened. The best way to install according to the door is to place the bed diagonally in the farthest corner from the entrance.

Place according to the window

The bed can be placed in such a way as to avoid direct light in the morning and evening. If there is no opportunity and you have to place it near the window, then you can cover the window with dark curtains.

Place according to the wall

A set of bedroom furniture for two should be placed on the wall in the direction of the head of the bed. This position will provide access to the bedroom on both sides, and on the side will put a distance between the walls and edges on the sides for the installation of bedside tables. You can put a light bulb and the necessary accessories on them: books, creams, glasses, phones. If we are talking about a single or double bed, its ideal position is on the side of the wall. Thus, you add comfort and security to the bedroom

How Office Furniture Should Be?
How Office Furniture Should Be?

“Gardashlar Mebel” offers Prestige Office furniture for perspectival work.

Every business owner wants the furniture in their room to be comfortable, as well as in the room of their employees. The beautiful atmosphere in the work environment, along with a friendly staff, comfortable furniture also play an important role. Who can sit and work in an uncomfortable chair around an uncomfortable desk? Of course, nobody!

“Gardashlar Mebel” offers a wide range of furniture for people working in the office. The materials of our furniture are made in Russia, Turkey, and various European countries. Each of them meets international standards and has a document with a corresponding quality indicator. We leave the choice of colors to you, our valuable customers. But at the same time, our sales representatives in our shops can support you in your choice.

One of the subtleties of office furniture sets is that the table is wide and the chair is closer to the back. Because a large table and chairs that do not fall far from the person sitting on the back of the chair is a guarantee of comfort. During the day, we work in front of a computer for hours, and when we focus on the monitor, we have to change the shape of our body a bit. This can lead to various muscle and neck pains. Whenever we have time to take a break from work, we must sit comfortably in a chair and take a break from the tension in our muscles. Of course, we think about all these issues and take it into account in the sets we present to you.

Special support devices can also be added on the desktop to raise the monitors of desktop computer users slightly above the desk and to adjust the angle of view of the person on the screen.

The wider shelves we have, the more easily we can place our documents and folders. This is one of the important factors. We often see people dissatisfied with the lack of shelves on their desks in the work environment, and we even express such dissatisfaction. To do this, our experts determine the number of valves on the tables according to your wishes.

Follow our site to be aware of our next article. We wish everyone a successful working day!

Home furniture trends for 2020
Home furniture trends for 2020

New Year means innovation. Some aim to start playing sports this year, while others aim to learn something new. Some plan to remodel their home or buy new furniture. This blog post is just for you. If you want to redesign your home in 2020 and you think it's too late for that, then read this blog post certainly.

This year's trend: multi-furnished rooms

Although there has been a period of minimalism in furniture for many years, now the maximalist design has its say. 2020 will be the year of maximalism. Although minimalism is an ideal trend for small houses, it is necessary to say goodbye to minimalism from this year.

A corner where you can chat

If you ask how to design a living room in 2020, our answer will be: choose comfortable, cozy furniture for the living room! Choose furniture for your living room so that you can gather in your home, not in a place to meet your friends.

Let your home be intertwined with nature

Enliven your home with fabrics from nature. This year, as in 2019, plants are considered the most natural accessory at home. Unlike previous years, this year's trend is to gather all the plants in one corner. Create a special place for your plants in your home. We would also like to note that large-leaved plants are more fashionable this year.

Renew the wall colors of your home in 2020

Even a small change in the walls can instantly change the atmosphere of your home. Maximalism will also have a say in the design of the walls. Patterned, ornate wall designs are in vogue this year. If the wall will have any frame, then it is necessary to paint the wall simply or choose wallpaper with simple patterns so as not to create a mixed image.

Painting the walls using any geometric shapes is one way to paint your home. The main trend of 2020 is the walls painted with geometric figures.

You can also make a difference in your home with 3D wallpapers.

Harmony of Fashion and Comfort: Furniture Trends

This year, as in 2019, instead of furniture designed with minimal lines in the living room, on the contrary, large-scale furniture will be in vogue. You can easily choose large, comfortable furniture for your living room!

Kitchen furniture in 2020

One of the most popular places in the house is the kitchen, and the more stylish and functional the design, the more comfortable you will get.

In 2020, kitchens designed with furniture in black tones will be more fashionable. If you think that black kitchen furniture will show an area small, then you can use an additional second color. But mainly black is the trend in furniture this year.

Also, open closets are a trend this year. It is believed that open cabinets without doors will make your work more comfortable.

If you want to design your home following the trend of 2020, then we invite you “Gardashlar furniture”. Stay tuned to our blogs for inspiring ideas and innovations.

How must children's bedroom furniture be chosen?
How must children's bedroom furniture be chosen?

How must a child's room be designed?

When designing a child's room, as well as other areas of the house, the size of the room, floor, walls must be taken into account. Then you can choose the furniture. After choosing the carpet, lights, curtains, you can complete the design of the room with small accessories to suit your taste. What should you pay attention to when choosing furniture for a child's room?

Define the concept

When designing a child's room, the concept must be determined in advance. In this case, you must take into account the taste of your child. Does your child have an interest in cartoon characters, or does your child prefer any sport? Once the concept is defined, the choice of carpets, chandeliers, and curtains will be even easier.

Get a set - not apart

When choosing furniture for a child's room, buying furniture in a set will always make your work more comfortable. You will have no difficulty in choosing other accessories for the room, as the set furniture includes a bed, wardrobe, desk, bookshelf, and other pieces of furniture in harmony with each other.

As in any room, special attention should be paid to colors in the child's room. Just as colors affect the psychology of adults, so do children. For example, the color pink gives a feeling of love and compassion. This color is mostly used in girls' rooms. But psychologists say that the positive energy and comfort of color should not be taken into account only for girls. When designing a room for your child, consider his character and psychology, not his gender.

Orange is a reflection of activeness and kindness. Yellow is an ideal choice for children who are always interested in learning. Purple can also be a room color for creative children who are interested in learning. If your child has a calm nature, then you can easily use white in the design of the room.

When designing a child's room, the presence of educational signs on the furniture and accessories will encourage the child to learn and help develop his imagination.

In the children's room furniture section of the “Gardashlar Mebel”, you can look at the furniture that is suitable for your child's room and choose.

What you need to know for choosing soft furniture
What you need to know for choosing soft furniture

We partially know about the effects of color on human psychology. White glorifies innocence, black glorifies nobility, and blue glorifies serenity. Have you thought about the effect of colors on home decor? If you do not know about it, then this article will be very useful for you. By researching the recommendations in our article, you can highlight the effect of colors on your psychology and select the right color when choosing furniture for your room.

Orange color

Orange is the color of energy, that’s why you can use soft furniture in this color where you want to feel the energy in your home. The orange sofa set in the living room will make the guests feel comfortable. However, it is not appropriate to use orange color entirely in a set of soft furniture. You can create a pleasant atmosphere in your home by matching different colors. If your sofa is orange, then you can create a contrast by choosing a chair in a cream color. Thus, your living room will be painted in a modern style.

Green color

Green is a color that eliminates fatigue. Especially if you have eye fatigue, you can eliminate it by looking at the green color. In this regard, the presence of green in the living room or lounge is a must. The green color in the garden houses adds a special atmosphere to the house. In this case, man feels intertwined with nature.

Blue color

In nature, we see the color blue while watching the sea or the sky. Watching the sky and the sea gives us a deep comfort. You can use blue to achieve this comfort in your living room or lounge.

The width of the room should also be taken into account when choosing soft furniture. If your living room is spacious and well-lit, then Avant-garde Soft Furniture in blue may be the best choice for you.

Pink color

Pink is a combination of white and red, it combines the characteristics of both colors. The energy and cheerful atmosphere of red is combined with the comfort and innocence of white with pink. Due to these features, many people prefer pink when choosing soft furniture.

If you have used white on the dining table and other furniture, then you can use pink on a piece of soft furniture or any accessory (pillow, bedspread). You can also match the light shade of other colors with pink. As with the Casparo Soft Furniture set, you can add a perfect combination of cream and pink to your choice.

Gray color

Recently, the most widely used color in decoration is gray. The gray color, which glorifies the modern style, has a tone that can be easily combined with other colors. The size of the room should also be considered when choosing gray furniture. If the room is small, then preferring light gray will make the room more spacious. If the room is dominated by white and the room is illuminated by natural light, Carmen soft furniture will be the best choice for you.

How to clean wooden furniture
How to clean wooden furniture

Some people prefer furniture with more wooden details when choosing a bedroom and living room furniture. The contamination of furniture is inevitable. If wooden furniture gets dirty, how should it be cleaned? With the provided simple cleaning secrets, you can brighten the surface of wooden furniture, remove water and ink stains.

Wooden furniture is regularly dusted and wiped with polish. However, after a certain period of time, the used chemicals can damage the surface of the furniture. Instead of frequent and superficial cleaning, furniture should be cleaned more thoroughly from time to time.

There are several ways to clean wooden furniture. We present them to you.

To clean surface dirt, the furniture must first be dusted. The next step is to clean the stains on the wood. As a cleanser, you should start with the least chemical additive. For example, you can mix the detergent used for washing dishes with water and wipe the furniture. However, it is also important that the cloth used for wiping is soft. The fabric used when wiping furniture should be washed frequently. After wiping the entire wooden surface of the furniture with a cleaner, it should be dried with a clean cloth.

You can clean colored furniture or any stained wooden furniture in the following ways.

Water stain

You've probably seen the steam stain when you put a cup full of hot tea directly on the table. This steam gets a stain on the wooden table. But how to clean the stain on the furniture? To do this, apply toothpaste to the stained area and wipe until the removal of the stain. For deeper stains, add the same amount of carbonate (soda) to the toothpaste and wipe with a damp cloth.

Difficult spots

To remove an ink stain, add 1 teaspoon of water to 1 tablespoon of carbonate and mix. Then apply this paste on the stain and wipe it until the removal of the stain. Then clean the surface of the furniture with a damp cloth.

After cleaning the stains on your furniture, you can use lemon oil to restore its shine. You can get lemon oil from pharmacies. No, if you can't find it, you can make a polishing solution at home. For this, you will need 1 cup of olive oil and half a glass of white vinegar. After mixing the oil and vinegar well, pour this solution on a soft cloth and wipe the furniture.

This way, you can clean the wooden parts of the furniture in your home in the order shown and restore their shine.

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