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The Golden Rule for Choosing the Kids' Furniture

It is not just children who like comfort and convenience. When choosing the furniture, you should indeed consider appearance and functionality but never disregard safety. In this blog, we share five golden rules when choosing furniture for your kids' room.

Observe your child

Pay attention to the color preferences of your child for the choice of toys or clothing. Keep in mind that at first, your child will spend most of the time in his room. Try to create harmony between the colors of the furniture and walls. The sharp contrast of the colors may cause eyestrain your child's negative sensation. Consult a psychologist if you feel difficulties in terms of understanding your child's behavior.

Keep the space wide enough

Keep in mind that children are naturally quite active or even hyperactive. Don't opt for bulky pieces of furniture. Try to set up a room correctly and add accessories (globe, chess, drawing board, basketball hoop) for your kids' additional skills development. Don't fill a room, save space for learning and playing.

Go for high-quality furniture

Pay special attention to the materials used in the furniture and choose eco-friendly models where possible. Some manufacturers offer high-quality furniture made of wood chipboard. If so, don't forget to ask for the quality certificate.

Safety first

Of course, beauty goes without saying, but pay special attention to the safety of the furniture. Some beautiful furniture may present hazards for kids. Give preference to the furniture with round instead of sharp edges. There must be a door fixing mechanism for kids' safety to prevent finger pinch injuries. It is better if the furniture doors do not close from the inside. Besides, secure shelves to the wall to prevent a shelf from tipping over when a child climbs on a dresser to reach something.

Brotherly advice. Spend more time with your child. Even if the furniture can't speak, it should be able to convey your feelings to children.


Senior expert on kids' furniture.

The Golden Rule for Choosing the Kids' Furniture

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